FAQs Addressed by a Professional Comedy Magician

In today's blog, I answer some of the big questions;  If you're looking to book entertainment for your event, the answers to some of your questions may well be written below!


Can Your Performance Be Tailored to Our Event Theme?

Yes! Though it clearly depends on how you want it customised. I can certainly deliver your important message or brand value in a creative way. I work closely with organisers to ensure my performance aligns with your vision. It's all about enhancing your event's atmosphere and making sure the guests are fully engaged and entertained.

What Makes You Different from Other Magicians?

For me, it's all about audience engagement. I'm not interested in simply delivering a scripted routine that I've done hundreds of time before. For me, an event is a great success when those on stage and those in the audience, are working together to create an epic atmosphere. I've performed for every demographic and in many different contexts. My...

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Behind the Curtain: What to Know Before Booking Your Event's Entertainment

Are you in the midst of planning a corporate event and looking to add that special something that will have everyone talking for weeks afterward? Well, why not consider bringing in an entertainer?

As a Comedy Magician & Event Host myself, I've seen firsthand how the right performer can transform a good event into an unforgettable one. But before you dive into the world of entertainment booking, there are a few key things you should know. Let's pull back the curtain and reveal some essential insights about booking entertainers for your corporate event.

1. Understanding the Audience

Who will be attending your event? Are we talking about a crowd that would enjoy sophisticated magic tricks mixed with highbrow humour, or is this a group that would prefer something more dynamic and interactive? Knowing your audience is crucial when booking entertainment. You want to ensure that the act is appropriate and engaging for those in attendance. After all, there's nothing more magical than...

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Beyond the Spotlight: Weaving Entertainment Throughout Your Entire Event

Ever wondered how to make your event not just a day or night to remember but a tale to be told for years? Imagine guests walking away with stories filled with laughter, amazement, and a touch of magic. Yes, magic! Not the pull a rabbit out of a hat kind, but the kind that weaves itself into memories, making your event truly unforgettable. Let's dive into how you can extend the magic from the stage right to your tables, ensuring every moment is steeped in wonder and joy.

If any of the ideas below appeal to you - Here at Cornerstone Entertainment Ltd, we can help supply such acts for your event. 

A Swing Band at Reception

Picture this: your guests arrive, stepping into a venue alive with the vibrant sounds of a swing band. It's not just music; it's an instant mood lifter, setting the tone for what's to come. The feel good music not only lifts spirits, but it's a conversation starter, an icebreaker, and perhaps even an excuse for a little impromptu dance on the way to their seats....

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The Five Do's & Don'ts When Having Entertainment At Your Event

Entertainment can be the highlight of any event, but ensuring it enhances rather than detracts from the experience requires careful consideration. Here are five essential do's and don'ts to keep in mind when planning entertainment for your next event: 


  1. Ensure Quality Sound and Lighting: Invest in a reliable PA system and lighting setup to enhance the performance of your entertainers. Avoid relying solely on in-house systems, especially in hotel venues where the quality is usually terrible. Not only that, but the hotel staff rarely have the technical knowledge to deal with issues or make improvements on the day. 

  2. Communicate in Advance: Inform your audience about the entertainment scheduled for the event beforehand. Surprising them with unexpected acts can lead to confusion and diminish the impact of the performance. Transparency builds anticipation and excitement among attendees.

  3. Keep It Short and Sweet: While entertainment adds HUGE value to your...

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Award Ceremonies Redefined: When Comedy and Magic Spark Joy & Applause

In the sparkly world of Award Ceremonies, where achievements are lavishly celebrated, have you ever wondered what truly makes an award ceremony unforgettable? It's not just about the shimmering trophies or the prestigious accolades. It’s about creating moments that linger in memory long after the last round of applause fades away.

It's going to be way harder than you think to create peaks. But once you've done it, you're going to consider every ounce of effort worth it.”
Chip & Dan Heath, The Power of Moments

As a Comedy Magician & Event Host, I've seen first hand how laughter, tricks and audience participation can transform the atmosphere of events.  

  • The Secret Ingredient: A Dash of Laughter and A Pinch of Wonder

Imagine an evening where the air buzzes not just with anticipation but with laughter and astonishment. That’s what comedy and magic bring to the stage. While awards acknowledge hard work and success,...

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The Ultimate Guide to Hosting Smooth, Spectacular Corporate Events That Everyone Will Talk About

 Planning a corporate event can be overwhelming. So many moving parts and considerations to keep track of. Yet with some creativity, thoughtful planning, and a big vision for the event, you could host an event that not only runs smoothly but becomes the talk of the town? Let's dive into the ultimate guide to making your next corporate event spectacularly memorable.

1. The Magic Begins in the Planning Stage

Before you even think about sending out invites, take a moment to envision what success looks like for your event. Is it laughter echoing through the room? Is it the wide-eyed wonder of your colleagues as they experience the energetic vibe? Or perhaps it's simply ensuring that everything runs on time without a hitch. Whatever your vision, you know as well as I do, that detailed planning is your secret weapon.

  • Set Clear Objectives: Start by defining clear goals. Whether it's team building, launching a product, or celebrating achievements, knowing your...
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Engage your audience: Choosing an Entertainer Who Can Do It All for Your Next Big Event

Ever been to an event where taking a nap felt more appealing? We've all been there. The good news is, you need not risk it and it's easy to avoid! Imagine transforming your next gathering into an experience that leaves guests buzzing for days. The secret? A masterful host & entertainer, skilled in the arts of comedy, magic, and audience engagement. (I might be biased, because that's what I do but I've seen it work, hundreds of times)


1. The Importance of Picking the Right Entertainer

Why it matters more than you think
Choosing the right entertainer is similar to selecting the perfect seasoning for a gourmet meal—it can make or break the experience. An experienced performer does more than just show off tricks; they set the tone for the entire event, creating first impressions and lasting memories.

First impressions & lasting memories
Remember that feeling of wonder when a magician pulled a coin from behind your ear as a kid? That's the kind of delight...

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Why a Comedy Magician is Your Best Bet for Engaging Events

In the world of event planning, there's always that one golden question: How do we make this event unforgettable and exceed our guests expectations? The answer might just be hidden up a comedy magician's sleeve! 

Bear with me, let's consider why hiring a comedy magician (you know, that's what I do, right?...) can transform your next corporate event, award ceremony, or charity gala from standard to spectacular.

  • The Magic Touch of Humour 

A stand up comedian friend that I often work with, always invites me to headline any show I'm working on with him. Why? Because even he believes that comedy combined with magic is unbeatable. If you're not a magic fan, but the magician has you belly laughing, then the fact you aren't into magic is forgotten and it's considered a win. Equally, if you don't align with the humour, but love the tricks, that's a win too. If you love both, then that's a total win-win scenario! It's a unique blend that not only...

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